As you may have understood by now, I use a lot of chicken in my cooking. It's first of all delicious and easy to combine flavours with since it does not have a strong flavour in it self, and its also healthy due to the high content of proteins.
Tonight's meal was done in 30 MINUTES so there is no excuse not to make this if you do not have much time on your hands. I never use pre-cooked ingredients in my dishes - except the sauces by Stange which are made totally from scratch with no added preservatives or color. Stange has a range of delicious free-range chicken as well.
Today's meal was inspired by Stange's capsicum sauce. I had it in my fridge, and I needed to use it due to its use-by date. It contains celery, capsicum, onions etc, so I decided to make a vegetable wok which contained most of the same ingredients.
IT IS IMPORTANT when cooking not to over complicate the flavours in the meal - it gets too busy otherwise and the flavour will not come through on your palette the same way. So always just stick to a few ingredients and incorporate it in the sauce, seasoning and vegetables.
For 2 people you need:
2 chicken filets
5-6 potatoes
2 cloves of garlic
75 g of corn
handful of celery
1/3 of a squash/zucchini
small handful spring onion
1 capsicum
1 Stange capsicum sauce or homemade capiscum sauce or other type
Salt, pepper, capiscum and chilli spice for seasoning the chicken
1 tbsp of butter
1/1,5 dl of milk
First of all get started with the potatoes - peal and cut them into small dices and make the boil for aprox. 10-15 minutes. Now start frying your chicken in a hot pan with some olive oil. Season it to your liking with salt, pepper, chili and capsicum. After sealing all the sides on the chicken put on a lid, turn down heat to low, and leave until the potatoes are done.
Prepare the vegetables as seen below. One garlic clove is used in the potato purée and the other is used as a seasoning in the wok. Heat the sauce slowly in a little pot or microwave, it doesn't matter if it reduces a bit - it just intensifies the flavour.
When the chicken is cooked take the filets of to rest. Now you wok the vegetables in the same fryingpan as the chicken was cooked in. Do not wash the pan - you'll get all the nice flavours from the chicken on your vegetables. Just put the clove of garlic gently mashed with your hand and put it in the pan as well. It will give of garlic flavour yet it is not overwhelming.
When the potatoes are cooked mash them until a purée. Add a finely chopped clove of garlic, the milk and a good tablespoon of butter. Butter is important!!! Season with salt and pepper. Taste - its nothing more boring than a blend potato purée!
Plate up nicely and serve, it's all done in 30 minutes! Enjoy!