tirsdag 28. februar 2012


Not sure what to make for dinner this week? Why not try this amazing salmon receipt? It takes you 20 minutes, its really easy to make and tastes sooo yummy! I made it as a starter last Sunday.

For 2 serves you need:

2 skin free salmon fillets
100 g of peas
2 cloves of garlic
2,5 dl of cream
50 g of chorizo
salt and pepper for seasoning
1 tbsp of butter

How to:

First prepare the fish. Then chop the garlic cloves in quite big pieces. Like the size of the peas. Also slice the chorizo like the pictures show. Fry the sausage and garlic for 5 minutes on medium heat and then add the peas. Stir for a few minutes, be careful so you don't mash the peas. Now add the mix to a pot and add the cream. Let it come to a boil and let it simmer for 15 minutes at a low heat. The sauce will reduce and become thicker. Taste for salt and pepper. However, the chorizo is quite salty, so you dont need much. 

While the sauce is simmering away and there's around 7 minutes left. Fry the salmon fillets on both sides in a good table spoon of butter. Season with salt and pepper. Plate up like below. It is so simple and yummy! If you feel that it isn't filling enough you can have a potato puree on the side for example.




Are you looking for an up to date über cool interior and fashion boutique in Norway, Bolina situated at Stabekk outside of Oslo is the place for you. It is a family business which has really gone for good quality products which shows in their store.

In regards to their variety within interior, Bolina has explicit taste. If you like shabby industrial, natural colors and fabrics, animal prints, addicted to cute cups, glasses, storage items like me, go check it out! I also love how they have old authentic chinese items such as tables and stools, and mix it with super strict furniture such as Tolix chairs and so on. Its something for everybody's taste. I have put up some pictures from their web page.

You can visit Bolian at Gamle drammensvei 38, 1369 Stabekk
Or at their website and net shop: www.bolina.no, or like them on Facebook!

Ox design leather chair

Old Chinese table

Animal pillows

House Doctor Industrial lamp

Khun cups

Tolix Chair

Brands such as Acne, IRO, Helmut Lang, Hope, Stella McCartney, Current Elliot and T by Alexander Wang are among the variety of fashion items you can purchase at Bolina. They keep up with the trends and seasons. On Facebook they keep you updated on what has arrived in store. Also, if you want to accompany your newly purchased outfit with some accessories they have that as well!

Good luck shopping!


søndag 26. februar 2012


Chocolate desserts are the best kind of desserts I can get, and last night I decided to make chocolate fondant accompanied with vanilla yogurt icecream, caramel sauce and physalis cape gooseberries. The actual cake is a receipt of Gordon Ramsey. 

The whole idea with a fondant is that is is going to be runny inside. If not - it's not a fondant! So when cooking it, you need to be very precise.  

For 4 fondants you need:

2 eggs and 2 yolks 
100 g sugar
100 g flour
100 g dark chocolate
100 g butter
cocoa powder and melted butter for the moulds 

Caramel sauce:

2 dl of castor sugar
2 dl of cream

First grease the moulds with melted butter all around the edges. Leave to cool in either a fridge or freezer. When cold, do it once more and add the cocoa powder. Shift it around so all the edges and the base of the moulds are covered. This you do for the fondants to not stick when cooked. Leave in fridge.

Now, in a bowl, over a water bath (pot with simmering water) melt the butter and the chocolate. Leave to cool down while you beat the eggs and sugar. Use an electric mixer until its stiff and has a pale color. Shift the flour into the egg mixture and mix. Then add the chocolate - not all at once. Mix until smooth. Add to the moulds (almost up to the edges) and leave to cool for at least 20 minutes. You can also freeze them for up to a month.

Turn the oven on 180 degrees with fan. When 20 minutes have passed, put the fondants into the middle of the oven. Cook for 10-12 minutes. They will rise.

While the cakes are cooking make the caramel sauce. Use avery hot frying pan and first melt the sugar. When it has gotten that caramel color add the cream and take of the heat. Stir until smooth.

Slice the physalis into four and leave some for decoration as seen on the pictures. I have also made some "caramel art" shaking/spreading some of the sauce with a spoon onto baking paper and leave to cool in the fridge. When the cakes are done leave to cool for some minutes, then they will more easily let go of the moulds. Use a thin knife around the edges if you need to and pop them out of the moulds. Be careful - you don't want to make a whole in the cake so all the chocolate is running out of it!

I decorated my fondants with a dollop of ice cream on top, then the caramel art then a physalis. Around the cake I had more of the sauce and the fruit. I also added some mint leaves. 

lørdag 25. februar 2012


Last night I went to M83 with some of my friends. It was a good concert! I also loved my friend Pernille's outfit for the night. She looked so hot! Who says that all black is boring? She has totally got it right - combining shoulder pads, a crochet top, slim fit jeans and killer boots. The top really features one of the big trends this coming season - the 3D effect. She looks amazing! 

Ps. Photos taken with my iPhone, so the quality is not the best...

Saints and Mortals top 2012, Zara jeans and H&M jacket, Blazer from Paris

Boots by Maggie Wonka Autum 2011

I went for a bit more color and patterns. And a bold necklace!

Ready for M83: Nasir Mazhar for Top Shot t-shirt ss 2012, Current Elliot jeans 2011,  Heals and necklace from London this season

Acne coat autum/winter 2011



I made this meal the other day, it tastes amazing and it contains 6 vegetables and the goodness of the fish! I also like how it looks rustic - its weekday home cooking at its best!

For 2 people you need:

1 trout (or salmon) fillet for two people - ask for it in your deli, they know how much you need
1/2 squash
1 red or orange capsicum
4 stalks of spring onion
4 generous tbsp of creme fraiche
2 tbsp of olive oil with lemon or normal olive oil and a squeeze of 1/2 lemon
salt and pepper to taste
300 grams of cauliflower and brokkoli
1 potato
1 tbsp of butter
1 clove of garlic
foil to bake the fish in
3 tbsp of milk or cream

How to:

Turn the oven on 200 degrees. Chop the squash and the capsicum like above and place it on a piece of foil. Stack it nicely so the fish gets a base. Put the fillet on top and season with salt and pepper. Add the creme fraiche and chopped spring onion like below. Drizzle the olive oil on top. I use the authentic italian oil mix below, it is amazing. I got if from some friends of mine and I am addicted! Wrap the foil around the fish as a package - be careful that you leave "room" over the fish, so don't press the foil onto the fish. This leaves room for all the flavours to mix and create more of the beautiful juices. Put in the middle rack in the oven. Leave for 30-35 minutes.

When the fish is in the oven you can prepare your broccoli and cauliflower puree. Cut the vegetables into small pieces and leave to boil until soft. Approximately 10-15 minutes. you want them to be extra soft since we are making the puree. When done, add to a blender or mixer with the butter, milk, sprinkle of the same olive oil or squeeze of lemon and garlic. Mix until a puree and taste for salt and pepper.

When the fish is cooked, plate up nicely and EAT! BON APPETITE!



I have a boyfriend who absolutely LOVE tacos. I like it too, I just don't like the prefabricated seasoning with loads of salt, artificial additives and so on. Last night I made my own seasoning with natural spices. So how do you know what is what? A simple lesson is that all mixed spices such as BBQ spice and Chicken spice and so on usually contains additives such as the above. So keep to non-mixed spices and mix your self! Also read on the back of the jars/packages and see that the ingredient is just that one spice.

For the homemade taco seasoning you need (for 400 grams of mince):

2 cloves of garlic finely chopped
1/2 yellow onion finely chopped
1-2 tbsp of cumin
1-2 tbsp of chili hot
1-2 tbsp of oregano
1-2 tbsp of capsicum
Salt and pepper to taste
Olive oil

Heat a pan and add the oil. When its hot add all the spices and fry for 2 minutes until you can smell the spices. This enhances the taste of the mix. Then add the mince. I like to use chicken mince, its healthier and tastes better I think! Season with salt and pepper to your liking. When the mince is done taste and see if you need to add more spices. You might like it stronger, so then you just add more of the above. Remember cumin is the spice that "creates" that taco taste.

Now for the homemade guacamole (for 2 people)!

1 large avocado
Juice of 1/2 lime
1 chili finely chopped
1-2 cloves of garlic finely chopped (depends on size)
In mexican cooking they also sometimes use chopped tomatoes in it and also coriander. I don't like coriander, but if you do - use it and it becomes even more authentic!
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tbsp of milk

Add all to a bowl and MASH it all together as seen below.

Finished result! Healthy and yummy:)) Next is to learn how to make the tortilla. For a simple salsa - use 3 chopped poached tomatoes, 1 clove of finely chopped garlic, 1/2 red onion chopped, juice of 1/2 lime, coriander or mint leaves. Sugar, salt and pepper to taste.


torsdag 23. februar 2012


This week Vouge Italia features Designer's Nest 2012 from Copenhagen Fashion Week under their Talent section online. The new talents have some amazing collections so check them out! Especially my second-cousin Madelen Varpe. She has won several awards for her graduation collection. CLEVER GIRL with a bright future ahead!

Madelen Varpe

Sigriour Maria

Rebecca Posselt

For more check out:


mandag 20. februar 2012


As you may have understood by now, I use a lot of chicken in my cooking. It's first of all delicious and easy to combine flavours with since it does not have a strong flavour in it self, and its also healthy due to the high content of proteins.
Tonight's meal was done in 30 MINUTES so there is no excuse not to make this if you do not have much time on your hands. I never use pre-cooked ingredients in my dishes - except the sauces by Stange which are made totally from scratch with no added preservatives or color. Stange has a range of delicious free-range chicken as well.

Today's meal was inspired by Stange's capsicum sauce. I had it in my fridge, and I needed to use it due to its use-by date. It contains celery, capsicum, onions etc, so I decided to make a vegetable wok which contained most of the same ingredients. 

IT IS IMPORTANT when cooking not to over complicate the flavours in the meal - it gets too busy otherwise and the flavour will not come through on your palette the same way. So always just stick to a few ingredients and incorporate it in the sauce, seasoning and vegetables. 

For 2 people you need:

2 chicken filets
5-6 potatoes
2 cloves of garlic
75 g of corn
handful of celery
1/3 of a squash/zucchini
small handful spring onion
1 capsicum 
1 Stange capsicum sauce or homemade capiscum sauce or other type
Salt, pepper, capiscum and chilli spice for seasoning the chicken
 1 tbsp of butter
1/1,5 dl of milk

First of all get started with the potatoes - peal and cut them into small dices and make the boil for aprox. 10-15 minutes. Now start frying your chicken in a hot pan with some olive oil. Season it to your liking with salt, pepper, chili and capsicum. After sealing all the sides on the chicken put on a lid, turn down heat to low, and leave until the potatoes are done.    

Prepare the vegetables as seen below. One garlic clove is used in the potato purée and the other is used as a seasoning in the wok. Heat the sauce slowly in a little pot or microwave, it doesn't matter if it reduces a bit - it just intensifies the flavour. 

When the chicken is cooked take the filets of to rest. Now you wok the vegetables in the same fryingpan as the chicken was cooked in. Do not wash the pan - you'll get all the nice flavours from the chicken on your vegetables.  Just put the clove of garlic gently mashed with your hand and put it in the pan as well. It will give of garlic flavour yet it is not overwhelming.

When the potatoes are cooked mash them until a purée. Add a finely chopped clove of garlic, the milk and a good tablespoon of butter. Butter is important!!! Season with salt and pepper. Taste - its nothing more boring than a blend potato purée! 
Plate up nicely and serve, it's all done in 30 minutes! Enjoy!


Ref. Arcadia group: As part of the campaign to mark the 10 years anniversary of supporting british fashion,Topshop has called on NEWGEN recipients from the last ten years to collaborate on a series of limited edition signature t-shirts, with all proceeds going to Centrepoint, a charity dedicated to helping the young homeless. Designers contributing to the campaign are Christopher Kane, Richard Nicoll, Erdem, Peter Pilotto, Ashish, Meadham Kirchhoff, Jonathan Saunders, Gareth Pugh, Mary Katrantzou, House ofJazz, Roksanda Ilincic, Marios Schwab, Louise Gray, Nasir Mazhar, JW Anderson, Emma Cook, Peter Jensen, Holly Fulton, Craig Lawrence and Michael Van Der Ham.
I think this is an amazing initiative, and the t-shirts are on sale now - in store and online. All the t-shirts have amazing design and prints, and when the profits in addition goes to a good cause, I don't think there's an excuse not to get one! I got the one designed by Nasir Mazhar. Love the mix of color and patterns on it. 


During my long-weekend to London I had some AMAZING food experiences!! This was thanks to Nelleke-Karlijn and Camilla, two good friends of mine, who was the reason for my visit. So, if you are looking for some high-end dining on your next trip to London, I would definitely consider one of the below places. Just be aware, you need to book well in advance (excluding Le pain) - cause these places are busy!!

Hakkasan is a 1 star Michelin chinese restaurant situated two places in London. Mayfair and Hanway Place. It is from my view the most sensual restaurant I have ever been to. The lighting is dimmed and the restaurant is decorated with asian inspired interior. It is quality all the way - Riedel wine glasses and Alessi water glasses, beautiful asian china - you name it! The dumplings and soft shell crabs are amazing, so if you're having starters - go for them!

Hakkasan, Mayfair/Hanway Place, London

Best dumplings
Do you have a sweet tooth, and love chocolate fondue and marshmallows? Visit HIX at the Belgraves Hotel and order that for your afternoon tea. It's DEVINE! 

HIX at the Belgraves hotel London
After I landed in London, Camilla took me to this beautiful french inspired bakery Le Pain. It has great bread. If you order the basket for two, you get a good variety of their produce and also yummy spreads such as white chocolate and jams. We also ordered some prosciutto ham. YUM!

Le Pain Quotidien, London

Le Pain Quotidien, London
On Friday, we went to the newly opened restaurant of Arkady Novikov in Mayfair. It contains of one Japanese and one Italian restaurant, plus a bar in the basement. We went to the japanese one, and the food there was the best I had on the whole trip. The duck salad and black cod was to die for - truly! And the desserts, yup, there's no words to explain it... It was a culinary experience worth every penny. I would also try their lychee martini - it was soooo good!

50a Berkeley Street, Mayfair, London

Love how you can see all the fresh ingredients on display

Best Lychee Martini's

Thanks K and C for a great weekend! x